Thursday, September 3, 2020

Suicide and the images of death in Hamlet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Self destruction and the pictures of death in Hamlet - Essay Example This doubt is affirmed when he puts his on the map discourse wishing that his substance would â€Å"melt,/Thaw, and resolve itself into a dew.† (Act I, Scene 2, lines 129-130). He says that the explanation he doesn't murder himself is on the grounds that God has made laws against â€Å"self-slaughter† (Act 1, Scene 2, line 131) yet in actuality the genuine explanation is presumably that he is over-sensationalizing his mother’s relationship with his uncle, and he doesn't have the fearlessness to do this to himself. The character of Hamlet has all the earmarks of being inclined to harping on pitiful occasions, and he additionally feels overloaded by the weights of having a place with this illustrious family. The two youngsters Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are introduced as a sharp difference to the hopeless Hamlet, and keeping in mind that they poke fun at Fortune being a lady, Hamlet just keeps up â€Å"Then is Armageddon near...Denmark’s a prison...† (Act II, Scene 2, lines 236 and 241) He appears to have abandoned life since he says â€Å"I have generally however wherefore I know not †lost all my jollity, done without all custom of exercises.† (Act II, Scene 2, lines 293-295) He mulls over self destruction in another acclaimed discourse where he asks himself whether it is better â€Å"To be, or not to be...† (Act III, Scene 1, line 56). The picture that he has of self destruction and demise is that of resting, and keeping in mind that this entices him, since he is so worn out on all the difficulties that overload him, he is likewise apprehensive: â€Å"To kick the bucket, to rest/To rest, perchance to dream.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

White Privilege And Male Privilege Essay Example for Free

White Privilege And Male Privilege Essay Peggy McIntosh is an American women's activist and she is likewise an enemy of supremacist dissident of The United States of America. Peggy McIntosh is likewise the partner executive of the Wellesley Centers for Women, a speaker and the author and co-chief of the National S.E.E.D. Undertaking on Inclusive Curriculum which is fundamentally the looking for of instructive value and assorted variety. Peggy McIntosh’s subject matter is women's liberation and prejudice. She manages fairness in the public arena and political world for ladies. She battles for the equivalent privileges of ladies as indistinguishable rights from men. She likewise expertizes in the field of prejudice. As per Peggy McIntosh, whites are instructed not to perceive the white benefits and that is the reason she began to ask what it resembled to have these white benefits throughout everyday life and afterward she began to compose this article on her own perceptions and encounters. The article, â€Å"White benefit and male privilege† depends on Peggy McIntosh’s day by day experience inside a specific condition. White Privilege implies that the points of interest that white individuals appreciate in the public eye that individuals of other shading can't appreciate. It is bound to just the white individuals and it is past the ethnic minorities in a similar society, legislative issues or financial spots. It in some cases said to be the preferences that white individuals have however they don't understand that they have it. As indicated by Peggy McIntosh, she says in her article, â€Å"White Privilege resembles an imperceptible weightless backpack of exceptional arrangements, confirmations, apparatuses, maps, guides, codebooks, travel papers, visas, garments compass, crisis rigging and clear checks† (White Privilege and Male Privilege, Peggy McIntosh, 95). Fundamentally, white benefit is the benefit that white individuals have just not individuals of other race or shading. Peggy McIntosh says that white benefit is an inseparable rucksack. She attempts to infer that these benefits are not similarly disseminated among individuals of various race and shading and to be increasingly explicit these are such benefits that occasionally even the white individuals are ignorant of it similarly as though these benefits were imperceptible to them. On this theme, Minnich said that white individuals are instructed to feel that their life is ethically nonpartisan, ordinary and normal and that individuals work to profit others. This is the thing that Minnich said about this subject in Peggy’s article that white individuals believe that they work to profit others. Peggy McIntosh, in her article discussed the white benefits of individuals in every day conditions. She expounded on her very own portion encounters. As per me, the most striking ones among the entirety of the impacts accentuated by Peggy are that white individuals can go out to shop whenever anyplace without having the dread of being followed and bugged by certain criminologists, white individuals can turn on the TV or turn the papers of the paper and gladly observe their race being spoken to with uplifting perspectives, white individuals can be easygoing in the event that they need to or not have any desire to tune in to the discourse of the individual of another race. White individuals may utilize either checks, Mastercard or money however in the counters, nobody will disclose to them anything about their budgetary foundation. A portion of the other every day impacts that were generally striking to me were that white individuals can swear, take on the appearance of they need, and furthermore regardless of whether they didn't answer any letters, they would not be called ignorant or that they have awful ethics. White individuals can condemn the administration at whatever point they need to without being said anything to them or even the white individuals can go to the gatherings late without anybody revealing to them anything about their race. Fundamentally, white individuals have a great deal of benefit and they can do nearly anything they need to do. Peggy McIntosh says in her article that white individuals and furthermore male controls nearly everything. She says that they have power over the every day life and they command the world. She discloses to us that being favored may mean something that nearly everything in this world need and I concur with Peggy McIntosh since everybody in this world need to be advantaged. In any case, at times benefit may mean the force that somebody needs to accomplish something which individuals from other sex are not permitted to do. And furthermore now and again, in view of the race and sex of individuals, they are enabled and Peggy McIntosh alludes to th is as presented strength in her article. Peggy additionally discusses unmerited privilege and this fundamentally implies individuals might be a direct result of their race or sex are qualified for something and they acquire it by birth. They don't need to work to win it since it is as of now theirs. They don't have to acquire it since it is as of now had a place with them. As indicated by me, in the wake of perusing this article by Peggy McIntosh, white individuals have a great deal of intensity in the United States of America. White individuals and furthermore guys overwhelm the general public and individuals from different races or sex can't take care of business. It is the means by which the things were and it is the way it will go on. Individuals reveals to us that bigotry is finished however it is there in America possibly not appeared yet it is there covered up. White individuals despite everything have disdain for different races in themselves however they just took in an approach to conceal it and manage it. White i ndividuals appreciate a great deal of advantages that individuals that have a place with different races or sex or shading hate. A portion of these advantages are not known to the whites. They may not think about it yet appreciate it. Works Cited Kleiner, A. (2003). Who truly matters: the center gathering hypothesis of intensity, benefit, and achievement. Doubleday, Random House Inc. Sergiovanni, T. (1999). Building people group in schools. Jossey-Bass Inc. McIntosh, Peggy (1988). White Privilege and Male Privilege, An individual record of coming to see Correspondences through work in women’s examines.

Friday, August 21, 2020

A Definition of Collaborative vs Cooperative Learning Essay

I have been looking for a long time for the Holy Grail of intuitive learning, a differentiation among community oriented and helpful learning definitions. I am drawing nearer to my tricky objective constantly however I am as yet not totally happy with my impression of the two ideas. I accept my disarray emerges when I see forms related with every idea and see some cover or between idea use. I will make an unassuming endeavor to explain this inquiry by introducing my definitions and looking into those of different creators who have explained my reasoning. Coordinated effort is a way of thinking of communication and individual way of life while collaboration is a structure of connection intended to encourage the achievement of a finished result or objective. Community oriented learning (CL) is an individual way of thinking, not only a study hall strategy. In all circumstances where individuals meet up in gatherings, it recommends a method of managing individuals which regards and features singular gathering members’ capacities and commitments. There is a sharing of power and acknowledgment of duty among bunch individuals for the gatherings activities. The hidden reason of community oriented learning depends on accord working through collaboration by bunch individuals, rather than rivalry in which people best other gathering individuals. CL experts apply this way of thinking in the study hall, at council gatherings, with local gatherings, inside their families and by and large as a method of living with and managing others. Agreeable learning is characterized by a lot of procedures which assist individuals with associating together so as to achieve a particular objective or build up a final result which is typically content explicit. It is more order than a collaboratve arrangement of administration and firmly constrained by the instructor. While there are numerous systems for bunch examination and contemplation the essential methodology is educator focused though shared learning is more understudy focused. Spencer Kagan in an article in Educational Leadership (Dec/Jan 1989/1990) gives an incredible meaning of helpful learning by seeing general structures which can be applied to any circumstance. His definition gives an unbrella to the work agreeable learning experts including he Johnsons, Slavin, Cooper, Graves and Graves, Millis, and so forth. It follows underneath: â€Å"The auxiliary way to deal with helpful learning depends on the creation, investigation and deliberate use of structures, or substance free methods of sorting out social communication in the homeroom. Structures normally include a progression of steps, with prohibited conduct at each progression. A significant foundation of the methodology is the qualification among â€Å"structures† and â€Å"activities†. â€Å"To delineate, educators can structure numerous fantastic helpful exercises, for example, making a group wall painting or a blanket. Such exercises quite often have a particular substance bound goal and along these lines can't be utilized to convey a scope of scholastic substance. Structures might be utilized more than once with practically any topic, at a wide scope of evaluation levels and at different focuses in an exercise plan. † John Myers (Cooperative Learning vol 11 #4 July 1991) calls attention to that the word reference meanings of â€Å"collaboration†, got from its Latin root, center around the way toward cooperating; the root word for â€Å"cooperation† stresses the result of such work. Co-employable taking in has to a great extent American roots from the philosophical compositions of John Dewey focusing on the social idea of learning and the work on bunch elements by Kurt Lewin. Cooperative learning has British roots, in view of crafted by English educators investigating approaches to assist understudies with reacting to writing by playing a progressively dynamic job in their own learning. The helpful learning convention will in general utilize quantitative strategies which take a gander at accomplishment: I. e. , the result of learning. The community oriented convention adopts a progressively subjective strategy, breaking down understudy talk because of a bit of writing or an essential source ever. Myers calls attention to certain contrasts between the two ideas: â€Å"Supporters of co-employable learning will in general be more educator focused, for instance while shaping heterogeneous gatherings, organizing positive between reliance, and showing co-usable aptitudes. Shared learning advocates doubt structure and permit understudies more state if shaping friendhip and premium gatherings. Understudy talk is worried as a methods for working things out. Revelation and contextural approaches are utilized to show relational aptitudes. † â€Å"Such contrasts can prompt disagreements†¦. I fight the question isn't about research, however progressively about the ethical quality of what ought to occur in the schools. Convictions as to whast ought to occur in the schools can be seen as a continuum of directions toward educational plan from â€Å"transmission† to â€Å"transaction† to â€Å"transmission†. Toward one side is the transmission position. As the name proposes, the point of this direction is to transmit information to understudies as realities, aptitudes and qualities. The change position at the opposite finish of the continuum stresses individual and social change in which the individual is supposed to be interrelated with nature instead of having power over it. The point of this direction is self-completion, individual or hierarchical change. † Rocky Rockwood (National Teaching and Learning Forum vol 4 #6, 1995 section 1) portrays the distinctions by recognizing the equals the two of them have in that the two of them use gatherings, both relegate explicit assignments, and both have the gatherings offer and think about their systems and ends in entire class meetings. The significant contrast lies in the way that helpful arrangements only with customary (sanctioned) information while shared ties into the social constructivist development, declaring that both information and authority of information have changed drastically in the only remaining century. â€Å"The result has been a progress from â€Å"foundational (intellectual) comprehension of knowledge†, to a nonfoundational ground where â€Å"we comprehend information to be a social build and learning a social process† (Brufee, Collaborative learning: Higher Education, Interdependence, and the Authority of Knowledge, 1993). Rockwood states: â€Å"In the perfect collective condition, the expert for testing and deciding the propriety of the gathering item rests with, first, the little gathering, second, the entire gathering (the entire class) lastly (yet constantly comprehended to be liable to challenge and update) the imperative information network (I. e. the control: topography, history, science and so on ) The idea of non-basic information challenges the item procured, yet in addition the procedure utilized in the securing of basic information. â€Å"Most critically, in agreeable, the power stays with the educator, who holds responsibility for task, which includes either a shut or a closable (in other words central) issue ( the teacher knows or can anticipate the appropriate response). In shared, the instructorâ€once the undertaking is set†moves all position to the gathering. In the perfect, the group’s task is constantly open finished. † â€Å"Seen from this point of view, help ful doesn't enable understudies. It utilizes them to serve the instructor’s closures and delivers a â€Å"right† or satisfactory answer. Shared does really engage and overcomes all the dangers of strengthening (for instance, having the gathering or class consent to an embarrassingly oversimplified or unconvincing position or produce an answer in strife with the instructor’s). † â€Å"Every individual, Brufee holds, has a place with a few â€Å"interpretative or information communities† that share vocabularies, perspectives, narratives, qualities, shows and interests. The activity of the educator id to assist understudies with figuring out how to arrange the limits between the networks they as of now have a place with and the network spoke to by the teacher’s scholastic order, which the understudies need to join. Each information network has a center of central information that its individuals consider as given (yet not really supreme). To work autonomously inside an information network, the juvenile researcher must ace enough material to get familiar with the network. † Rockwood finishes up: I would say, agreeable speaks to the best way to move toward dominance of primary information. When understudies become sensibly acquainted, they are prepared for synergistic, prepared to talk about and assess,†¦. † Myers recommends utilization of the â€Å"transaction† direction as a trade off between taking hard positions upholding either procedure. â€Å"This direction sees instruction as a discourse between the understudy and the educational program. Understudies are seen as issue solvers. Critical thinking and request approaches pushing psychological abilities and the thoughts of Vygotsky, Piaget, Kohlberg and Bruner are connected to exchange. This point of view sees instructing as a â€Å"conversation† in which educators and understudies learn together through a procedure of arrangement with the educational plan to build up a mutual perspective on the world. † It is obvious to me that in attempted the exercize of characterizing contrasts between the two thoughts we risk polarizing the instructive network into a we versus them attitude. There are such a significant number of advantages which acrue from the two thoughts that it would be a disgrace to lose any favorable position picked up from the understudy instructor cooperations made by the two strategies. We should be mindful so as to stay away from a one-size-fits-all attitude with regards to training ideal models. As a last idea, I think it benefits educators to instruct themselves about the bunch of

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Research College Education Worth And Job Satisfaction - 550 Words

Research College Education Worth And Job Satisfaction (Essay Sample) Content: College Education WorthInstitutional AffiliationDateThe cost of college education and the time it takes to acquire it has been a question raised and debated for a long time in many forums. Some argue that it is not worth the time and resources used. College education has both personal and professional advantages (Porter, 2002). Personal benefits, like in the way to interact with people in the society and professional benefits in work setting. Is really college education worth it?Job satisfaction is higher in a person who has a college degree. The individual would have chosen a subject that interests them. The percentage of achievement in college graduates is 6% higher than that of high school graduates (Rose, 2013).The job performance is high as the college graduates are well aware of what is expected from them and how to do the duties assigned. It a win-win situation as not only does the individual achieve satisfaction from doing what they love but also helps meet t he organizational goals. Earnings and employment benefits found in people who have attended college are higher than those who did not. In the year 2011, college graduates earned 61% more than high school graduates .It is a high amount and an incentive for most people. Medical, transport, and house allowances are just some of the benefits. Even though it is provided for all employees, the benefit packages for the college graduates are far much better than for high school graduates.The job market has insufficient career opportunities. A college degree provides an individual with better career opportunities. The employers tend to prefer college graduates. They are first considered for any opportunity (Daly Bengali, 2014).Self-discipline, organization, proper time management, efficiency, accountability and being responsible are some of the personal skills taught and instilled in college. It is some of the things the employees are very interested in their employees. The economy is conti nually changing. In case of a recession, staff layoffs are inevitable. One of the factors considered in choosing who to dismiss is the educational background of the staff. College graduates are the last to be laid off as they contribute primarily to the success of the company. There also social and cultural benefits of gaining a college degree. College graduates tend to practice a healthier lifestyle. It is beneficial to both their selves and the community. It helps individual raise the socioeconomic ladder and increases the chance of passing it on to the next generation.Many people argue college graduates have a limited exposure to life experiences (Daly Bengali, ...

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Company Profile Of Tesla Motors - 1364 Words

History of Operation Tesla Motors was incorporated in 2003. in 2016, it began production of the Roadster in 2009, Model S unveiled. in 2010, TSLA IPO launched; Announced partnership to develop powertrain system with Toyota RAV4. in 2012, it Started building Supercharger Network across America and Unveiled designs and plans for Model X. in 2013, Tesla got Extreme Tech â€Å"Best Selling Luxury Car. IN 2014, Gigafactory announcement 200th Tesla Charging Station opened, and Musk announces anyone can use their patent in good faith. In 2015, Consumers reported â€Å"Best Overall Car† 400th Tesla charging station - 1st solar powered charging station; Model 3 announcements. In 2016, Chinese Facility Construction begins. (Gregory Whitney, 2016) The†¦show more content†¦Tesla has five pride in the basis of operational capacity, can guarantee the current and future sustainable development. Tesla in the promotion of positioning as the world s only senior electric car brand has been creating a Tesla brand context. The reality of the market performance is also very of the force. Tesla in the first three-quarters of 2013 sales is much higher than the BMW, Mercedes-Benz, and another luxury car brand. (Charles, 2016)The partner is Tesla s unique operating advantage. Tesla s competitive advantage comes mainly from the integration of the system innovation, from the vehicle engineering, electric drive, automotive Internet, manufacturing, assembly, component outsourcing, until the market terminal, without using the system integration approach to form the best whole process system. In the digital technology and Internet technology applications, Tesla can be said to achieve the ultimate. It fully realized the car mobile Internet functionality. The car s large-scale instrument panel touch screen is a symbol of the core components, a Tesla car information aggregation, and manipulation of the central control unit, with excellent customer interaction characteristic comprehensives. Tesla s financial capability not only in the strong financing platform capabilities but also for the end-user car provides one-stop financing services. InShow MoreRelatedCase Analysis : Tesla s Marketing Goals Essay1559 Words   |  7 PagesSituation Analysis: Tesla, an innovative company initialising the movement toward self-driving cars, has recently been issued negative publicity as the safety of these cars is questioned (Levin Woolf, 2016). The company’s primary marketing goals are to increase demand for the Model S Car, encourage brand loyalty and awareness and to empower customer contribution to product development (Mangram, 2012). 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Christian Perspective On Authority - 861 Words

to be a Christian. Weber would consider the priest in this situation a traditional authority figure because he is respected because of the people’s belief in the catholic religion. He represents traditional practices and both the elect and sponsors both believe in the power and authority the priest wield because of his authority. He is also legitimate because the priest has been through seminary school and has contractually established his legitimacy through completion of the program which gives rise to rational legal authority. Sociologist, Durkheim has an alternative perspective on authority. He defines authority as, â€Å"the bedrock of society. Without authority, man has no sense of duty, only when traditions, codes, and roles have the effect of coercing, directing, or restraining man’s impulses can it be said that society is genuinely in existence† (Smith, PowerPoint- What is Authority). In other words, authority is essential in order to have a functioning s ociety. Inside of the church, social integration is high and there are high forms of regulation. The people of the church are thoroughly involved during service and responds back in unison in response to the priest commands. Everyone has a role, whether the individual is an usher, altar-server, or a parishioner. In mass, the main authority is the priest, however everyone in the group holds high expectations, and these expectations is a form of regulation, because if individual resist, then they will be looked downShow MoreRelatedThe Catholic Church And The Church s Eucharistic And Juridical Ecclesiological1303 Words   |  6 Pagessupported a Eucharistic ecclesiology. Beginning around the seventh century, however, this notion of communion through the Eucharist generally receded in favor of an understanding of unity through the authority of the pope and the laws of the Church. 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Monets Green Reflections Essay Example For Students

Monets Green Reflections Essay Since the dawn of time, man has been inspired by the beauty of art. The Macquarie Concise Dictionary describes art as the production or expression of what is beautiful, appealing or of more than ordinary significance. I interpret the word art to refer to the physical reproduction of the artists own perception of the world around them. A masterpiece is defined as a consummate example of skill or excellence. Therefore, when in search of a masterpiece of the artistic category, we must take into account the proficiency and dexterity displayed by the artist. With these basic principles in mind, it is my belief that one cannot surpass Monets series entitled Waterlilies and more specifically the painting Green Reflections. I have adored the Waterlilies series for a number of years. It was its originality that first appealed to me. Green Reflections is my favourite due mainly to the use of the green colour to indicate darkness of the water. The painting seems busy, yet not overpoweringly so. There is much for the eye, while allowing room for personal interpretation. Visually appealing, Green Reflections is a classic example of Monets personal style, being both scientific and painterly. This particular painting has captivated many admirers with its pretty pastel colours, prevalent in many of Monets works. The yellows and pinks of the lilies are in strong contrast to the deep blues and jungle greens of the water. Monet brought the study of the transient effects of natural light to its most refined expression, through the Waterlilies series. Therefore tone is an important aspect of the painting. It is used with great success, giving the appearance of shade on the right hand side. The tone also gives the impression of water reflections. The Waterlilies series was a number of paintings of the same lily pond. The defining characteristic of Green Reflections is that it was the only one of the group painted at night. Monets fascination with light and colour was the fuel behind this concept. Being an impressionist painter, very little of his works used line and shape. Green Reflections is no exception. Irregular patterns are prominent with little regard for structure and realism. The only way Monet could capture his version of the truth of the moment was through lying. Monets method made accommodations to his underlying philosophy of instantaneity and attention to decorative elements. Monet attempted to reconcile the idea of capturing a moment and his supposition that all moments must contain absolute truth through the use of a harmony of colours. Monet was considered an early pioneer of the impressionist era. The word impressionism is synonymous with the likes of Camille Pissarro, Pierre Auguste Renoir and Alfred Sisley, all associates of Monet. He was tutored in his early years by French painter, Eugene Boudin. Boudin passes on to Monet his love for nature and taught the young artist not to be afraid to break the rules. Monet often spoke of his education with Boudin: My eyes were finally opened and I understood nature; I learned at the same time to love it. It was due to his informal training, that Monet never complied with conventional techniques of the era. In 1874, with a group of artists called the Independents, Monet organised an exhibition in which a number of paintings were viewed by the public for the first time. The group was labelled the Impressionists as their work seemed sketchy and unfinished. Despite the incompleteness of his work, the boldness of his colour and the extreme simplicity of his compositions, Monet was recognised as a master of meticulous observation. An artist who sacrificed neither the true complexities of nature nor the intensity of his own feelings in achieving a goal. Monets technique developed over many years. By the mid-1880s Monet, generally regarded as the leader of the impressionist school, had achieved significant recognition. It was with this new-found fortune that Monet purchased the property at Giverny, just outside of Paris. Green Reflections was painted in 1906, on this property. His garden was a splendid juxtaposition of colour, lush over-growth and dense foliage. The exotic plant and wildlife that thrived in this handmade sanctuary were the focal point of Monets work towards the end of his life. The lily pond featured in Green Reflections also appeared in other works such as The Japanese Footbridge. .u7f43c60be151f49d0bde194abdc906a9 , .u7f43c60be151f49d0bde194abdc906a9 .postImageUrl , .u7f43c60be151f49d0bde194abdc906a9 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u7f43c60be151f49d0bde194abdc906a9 , .u7f43c60be151f49d0bde194abdc906a9:hover , .u7f43c60be151f49d0bde194abdc906a9:visited , .u7f43c60be151f49d0bde194abdc906a9:active { border:0!important; } .u7f43c60be151f49d0bde194abdc906a9 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u7f43c60be151f49d0bde194abdc906a9 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u7f43c60be151f49d0bde194abdc906a9:active , .u7f43c60be151f49d0bde194abdc906a9:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u7f43c60be151f49d0bde194abdc906a9 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u7f43c60be151f49d0bde194abdc906a9 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u7f43c60be151f49d0bde194abdc906a9 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u7f43c60be151f49d0bde194abdc906a9 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u7f43c60be151f49d0bde194abdc906a9:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u7f43c60be151f49d0bde194abdc906a9 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u7f43c60be151f49d0bde194abdc906a9 .u7f43c60be151f49d0bde194abdc906a9-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u7f43c60be151f49d0bde194abdc906a9:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: research paper EssayAs previously mentioned, Monets artwork pertained to the concepts of impressionism. However, many saw his later work as partially abstract. In old age, Monets eye sight deteriorated with the formation of cataracts. His sense of colour was affected as well as his sight. This is believed to be what gave his last few paintings including Green Reflections a distinct feeling of abstraction. Claude Monet truly displayed his artistic flare in Green Reflections. His complete abandonment of orthodoxy was a great influence on modern artists. With a combination of abstraction and impressionism, combined with simplicity and a varse use of colour, this painting is a true exemplar. bibliographyNON-FICTION BOOKSGerstein, Marc S. 1980. IMPRESSIONISM. Hudson Hills Press. New York, USA. Spate, Virginia. 1992. MONET: LIFE AND WORK. Rizzoli. New York, USA. Tucker, Paul. 1995. MONET IN THE 90s: THE SERIES PAINTINGS. Museum of Fine Arts in association with Yale University Press. Boston, USA. REFERENCE ARTICLES1965. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF WORLD ART. McGrow Hill. London, England. 1988. THE MACQUARIE CONCISE DICTIONARY. Macquarie University. Sydney, Australia. 1994. IMMERSIONISM and MONET, CLAUDE. Microsoft Encarta. New York, USA. WEBSITESMonody, Christopher. 1997. MONET: THE WATERLILIES. (August 18, 1998)Yen, Howard. 1992. MONET, THE CYBERSPACE GALLERY. (August 18, 1998)