Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Christian Perspective On Authority - 861 Words

to be a Christian. Weber would consider the priest in this situation a traditional authority figure because he is respected because of the people’s belief in the catholic religion. He represents traditional practices and both the elect and sponsors both believe in the power and authority the priest wield because of his authority. He is also legitimate because the priest has been through seminary school and has contractually established his legitimacy through completion of the program which gives rise to rational legal authority. Sociologist, Durkheim has an alternative perspective on authority. He defines authority as, â€Å"the bedrock of society. Without authority, man has no sense of duty, only when traditions, codes, and roles have the effect of coercing, directing, or restraining man’s impulses can it be said that society is genuinely in existence† (Smith, PowerPoint- What is Authority). In other words, authority is essential in order to have a functioning s ociety. Inside of the church, social integration is high and there are high forms of regulation. The people of the church are thoroughly involved during service and responds back in unison in response to the priest commands. Everyone has a role, whether the individual is an usher, altar-server, or a parishioner. In mass, the main authority is the priest, however everyone in the group holds high expectations, and these expectations is a form of regulation, because if individual resist, then they will be looked downShow MoreRelatedThe Catholic Church And The Church s Eucharistic And Juridical Ecclesiological1303 Words   |  6 Pagessupported a Eucharistic ecclesiology. Beginning around the seventh century, however, this notion of communion through the Eucharist generally receded in favor of an understanding of unity through the authority of the pope and the laws of the Church. 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