Sunday, June 7, 2020

Research College Education Worth And Job Satisfaction - 550 Words

Research College Education Worth And Job Satisfaction (Essay Sample) Content: College Education WorthInstitutional AffiliationDateThe cost of college education and the time it takes to acquire it has been a question raised and debated for a long time in many forums. Some argue that it is not worth the time and resources used. College education has both personal and professional advantages (Porter, 2002). Personal benefits, like in the way to interact with people in the society and professional benefits in work setting. Is really college education worth it?Job satisfaction is higher in a person who has a college degree. The individual would have chosen a subject that interests them. The percentage of achievement in college graduates is 6% higher than that of high school graduates (Rose, 2013).The job performance is high as the college graduates are well aware of what is expected from them and how to do the duties assigned. It a win-win situation as not only does the individual achieve satisfaction from doing what they love but also helps meet t he organizational goals. Earnings and employment benefits found in people who have attended college are higher than those who did not. In the year 2011, college graduates earned 61% more than high school graduates .It is a high amount and an incentive for most people. Medical, transport, and house allowances are just some of the benefits. Even though it is provided for all employees, the benefit packages for the college graduates are far much better than for high school graduates.The job market has insufficient career opportunities. A college degree provides an individual with better career opportunities. The employers tend to prefer college graduates. They are first considered for any opportunity (Daly Bengali, 2014).Self-discipline, organization, proper time management, efficiency, accountability and being responsible are some of the personal skills taught and instilled in college. It is some of the things the employees are very interested in their employees. The economy is conti nually changing. In case of a recession, staff layoffs are inevitable. One of the factors considered in choosing who to dismiss is the educational background of the staff. College graduates are the last to be laid off as they contribute primarily to the success of the company. There also social and cultural benefits of gaining a college degree. College graduates tend to practice a healthier lifestyle. It is beneficial to both their selves and the community. It helps individual raise the socioeconomic ladder and increases the chance of passing it on to the next generation.Many people argue college graduates have a limited exposure to life experiences (Daly Bengali, ...

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